Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 4 Blog

First and foremost, I am extremely impressed with the Cyborg project, which has been talked about in Professor Vesna's video. In this experiment, a chip was inserted into human body and helped to track inner body's activities. This experiment is big and innovational. The applications under the experiment and related researches can reduce the inconveniency for people who have physical disabilities since chips inside the body may function as the powerful bridge. 

Another interesting medical technology related to human body is Google's New Moonshot Project. I think this project should also be considered as an artistic project. The thesis behind this experiment is to detect how a healthy human body is like, which sounds like an abstract idea that wants to delve into the innate nature of health. With wild imaginings, Google is always doing ideal but meaningful project and thus is changing the world. 

As well, based on what I have researched, John Hopkins has a department named the Art as Applied to Medicine under its Medical School. This department works on visualizing the medical science and leads the visual communication for science and health care.
According to the special department related to both art and science, I think up a recent project, which uses artificial intelligence technique for diagnosis of illness. As Vesna mentioned in video, the X-ray is broadly used and it will definitely be applied in this project. The statistics will be put into machine. Also, with the visualizing techniques, machines will translate(communicate) the inner body structure and help doctors to diagnose patients. 

Vesna, Victoria. “Http://” Lecture. Medicine pt2 . Youtube, 21 Apr. 2012. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. <>.
Vesna, Victoria. “Http://” Lecture. Medicine pt3. Youtube, 22 Apr. 2012. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. <>.
A.I.: Artificial Intelligence. By Steven Spielberg. Prod. Steven Spielberg. Dir. Steven Spielberg. 2001.
"Kevin Warwick." Kevin Warwick. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.
Orlan – Carnal Art (2001) Documentary. Dir. Stéphan Oriach. Perf. Orlan. N.d. Film. YouTube. Web. 26 Oct. 2012. "
Visualizing Science and medicine." Http:// Web. Person, and Alistair Barr. "Google's New Moonshot Project: The Human Body."WSJ. Web. 24 Apr. 2016.

1 comment:

  1. Before reading your post, I have never heard of the project you mentioned that Google is working on. I find the idea behind it to be quite interesting because it calls to question how a "healthy human body" should be. It would truly be beneficial to our society if this is completed. I imagine that since it is working with the human body, the art that goes into it would be also be complex. However, since we have made large discoveries about the human body (with help of artists) we are not as limited anymore compared to before. Furthermore, the project of using artificial intelligence to use diagnose illnesses by the department of John Hopkins is a great example of what the collaboration of art and science could result to. With the help of AI and other technologies, the medical field is transforming everyday.
